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Reshana Watson,M.S., LMFT

Reshana Watson,M.S., LMFT

Practice Name: Therapy Unscripted: A Marriage and Family Therapy Corporation

Credentials: LMFT #147131

Specialty Area: ​I enjoy creating safe spaces for Working Professionals, Athletes, Performers,Students, Artists, Queer, Straight, Interracial, Sex+, Kink+, Monogamous & Ethical Non Monogamous​ Partners & ​Individuals struggling w/ ​Physical/​Emotional ​Affairs,​ Confidence Building,​ Shame Uncovering, Lack of ​Intimacy, ​Boundaries, ​Identity ​Exploration & ​Affirmation, ​Communication, ​Connection, ​Co-parenting​ and so much more

State: California

Therapeutic Approach: My therapeutic style is collaborative & eclectic. Some of my most utilized modalities involve being client-centered, non-judgmental, intersectional, accepting/affirming, frank, but kind solution focused, strength-based and antiracist.

Forms Of Payment: Self Pay, Credit Cards,FSA,Superbills(insurance benefits)

Free Consultation: Yes

Office Phone No. / Email: 323-207-6642 /

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